Meteorological Congress
    in Copenhagen
The climate crisis
The consciousness
    of low-carbon
The action of low-carbon
Low-carbon Expo
Our opinions
About us
Our team
The team members
The tutors
The volunteers
Project narrative

        The tutors


Ma hongkai

Mr. Ma is our computer teacher and also our class teacher. He is the first man to suggest us to join “the door to diplomacy”. He lead us to design the web page, to process pictures, to search information, to interview outside, the relationship between teacher and students is more like close friends in these months. He is more like our big brother and broaden our views and knowledge in our cooperation.
The “Doors to Diplomacy” a window to show us
The mission of “Doors to Diplomacy” is to encourage more teenage to pay attention to the international events, to care Foreign Affairs. The students who will participate in “Doors to Diplomacy” competition represent their countries ambassadors and bear the national diplomatic mission. Most students have the burden to take university entrance examinations, so few of them will be initiative to care national events, world events. I hope these three students can start a new stage for our school to broaden views by this “Doors to Diplomacy” and be responsible high school students.


Zhao ke

Mr. Zhao is our computer teacher in our school and he is also an environmental friendly person. He has known well about our local environment, so he told us the importance of low-carbon economy and low-carbon life according to the change of the local environment and led us to visit and study some typical place in local.
To protect the environment, no time to delay
The green areas are increasingly dropped and it is human who devours the green area by predatory and destructive mining of natural resources during the development model. The endless taking from the green is still threatening the ecological balance and destroying the ecological structure. Many people are busy for the short benefit even sacrificing the survival home of their descendents. “Protect the environment, no time to delay”! Do not cut more forests, destroy plants, and lose soil and water. Earth, a beautiful home, who would not want that blue sea water turns into rain water to re-moisturize dry patch of dried up lakes and land, who would not want fresh air blows on your face, emerald hills, clean water, blue skies show vitality to human forever. Let us act together!




Produced by “Three Friends” team of Sichuan Province Cangxi County vocational high school
Contact:Ma Hongkai   e-Mail:mahongkai@163.com
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