Meteorological Congress
    in Copenhagen
Conference overview
The viewpoints of States
The achievements of
    the conference
The climate crisis
The consciousness
    of low-carbon
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        The conference focus

Climate scientists say the world must stop increasing emissions of greenhouse gases, and start emissions reduction between 2015 and 2020. Scientists expect to prevent the average global temperatures from raising another 2 ℃ and the output of emissions reduction of the global greenhouse gas is required to achieve 80% of 1990 levels by 2050.

But which countries should reduce emissions? How much is the emissions reduction? For example, Chian with the rapid growing economy has overtaken United States as the biggest country of emitting carbon dioxide. But in history, the biggest country of emitting greenhouse gas is United States which is far more than China. Moreover, per capita emissions in China are only a quarter of those in the United States.

Climate issues should be beyond the topic of the sovereignty related to the global sense of the green economy, green consciousness and green politics. But a sovereign country must have a compromise or even sacrifice, because different countries have different individual interests and have different aspirations. This is certainly a game process, but it is the best window of presenting the magnanimity and vision of a powerful political country. During the conference in Copenhagen, the debate of surrounding the climate change between the countries and the game will be more specific and intense.


        The positions of States
China: as the Party of the "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" and the "Kyoto Protocol ", China has always committed to promoting the implementation of the Convention and Protocol, earnestly fulfill relevant obligations. Currently, the international community is to implement the "Bali road map" to strengthen the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol for the comprehensive, effective and sustained implementation of the negotiations to be held United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen at the end of the year to achieve positive results. China will continue to play an active and constructive role in this negotiation process.

Russia: Russian President announced that Russia's greenhouse gas emissions would decrease by 25% by 2020. That is, in the 1990-2020 period, Russia will ensure that the total output of greenhouse gas emissions reduce more than thirty billion tons.

United States: to promote the adoption of a climate bill of United States before the meeting t in Copenhagen, the United States promised on the basis of 1990 levels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 4%.

EU: EU promised to cut emissions 95% by 2050. EU attempted to reassert its international leadership in the fight against global warming today, offering to slash its greenhouse gas emissions by up to 95% by 2050 and by 30% by 2020 if a climate change pact is sealed in Copenhagen.

India: On December 3, Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh announced that India will reduce its carbon intensity 20-25 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.

UK: Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in 2009 issued "Port of Spain Climate Change Consensus: The Commonwealth Climate Change Declaration" on 28th November and stressed that all the States parties to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen should conclude a legally binding agreement, developed countries should help developing countries, especially financial aid.

Australia: On 2th December the Senate again rejected the Climate Change Bill of the Australian Labor government which makes the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will attend the conference empty-handed. Australia is the world's largest coal exporter, Australia’s per capita emissions is beyond those in the United States. Australia Proposed to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 5% to 15% compared with 2000 levels within the next decade.

From: 163.com



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