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        An individual can do 10 things of lifting a finger for low-carbon

"Low-carbon life, starting from me", we believe that everyone can start from every detail of daily life, this is only lifting a finger, but you can make your own contribution to energy saving.

To turn off unnecessary lights

Do not turn off unnecessary lights are lifting a finger? In fact, we tend to forget this. Truing on less time during the day or turn off the lights at night, family activities are as possible as in the same room, turning off lights when out of the room ... ... "Earth Hour" activity gives us a good reminder.

To turn off the computer in time

Statistics show that 75% of households have electricity consumption in remaining on standby of the television, computer and audio etc. A desktop computer averagely consumes power of 60 to 250 watts daily. If you use a computer for 4 hours a day and turn it off at other time then the annual energy savings is about RMB500, and can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 83%.

To use buses more often

Carbon dioxide emissions of transport accounted for more than 30% of greenhouse gases, so one of the best ways of reducing such emissions is: take buses. American Public Transportation Association said public transportation will save nearly 5.3 billion liters natural gas per year, which means that can reduce 150 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

To pay bills online

The online banking and bill operation not only save the trees and avoid driving to the bank on pay day, emitting unnecessary carbon dioxide, but also reduce the energy consumption for paper documents in the transporting process.

Take off the ties

Japanese business white-collar workers took off their trademark dark blue business wear in the summer of 2005 and put on light-colored clothes with open collar. This is the effort did by the Japanese government to save energy. That summer, the temperature of the Government Office had been maintained at 28 ℃. Throughout the summer, carbon dioxide emissions were reduced 79,000 tons in Japan.


To give up steak

United Nations data show that the greenhouse gases emissions of the global meat processing industry accounted for 18% of total emissions, even more than transportation. There are 1.5 billion domestic cattle and bison, 1.7 billion sheep and goats on Earth, and their numbers are growing rapidly. If you turn to be a vegetarian, the carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced approximately 1.5 tons.


To open one window

Every year each of us emits about 25 tons carbon dioxide and how to reduce this number? There are some simple and effective methods: open a window to replace the air conditioner indoor; in summer when you use air conditioner, slightly increase a few degrees temperature. Statistics show that if all people increase one degree temperature of the air conditioner, the country could save 3.3 billion kWh electricity per year.


To hang out a clothesline

Research shows that 60% of clothes "energy" release in the cleaning and drying process. Note that laundry with warm water, rather than using hot water; washed clothes hung on the clothesline to dry naturally, do not put in the dryer. This way, you can reduce 90% of the total carbon dioxide emissions.


To bring Your Own Shopping Bag

Each year more than 500 billion plastic bags are consumed in the world, which only less than 3% are recyclable. The plastic bags are made by polyethylene and buried for thousands of years to achieve biodegrade, during this process also producing harmful greenhouse gases. When go to the grocery store next time, do not forget to bring your own shopping bags.



Produced by “Three Friends” team of Sichuan Province Cangxi County vocational high school
Contact:Ma Hongkai   e-Mail:mahongkai@163.com
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