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        The mass extinction of the species
   A UK study shows that the four extinctions of species on Earth are related to the global warming in history. If global warming continues to escalate, it will lead to the extinction of half of the species on Earth. The first to be affected is polar bears, at present, only 20,000 polar bears remaining could be threatened with extinction by 2050.

The World Conservation Union released the "2007 Red List of Threatened Species". 16,306 kinds of plants and animals are facing extinction crisis in worldwide at present, 188 species added this year, accounting for nearly 40% of all the assessed species. British scientists announced a startling result: the global warming will lead to mass extinction of plants and animals on Earth. Although humans may eventually escape from the disaster, half of the species on the planet will still die.

The volume of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases dramatically while the world population will reach 100 billion by 2050. "Our world development is moving towards the man-made facilities to replace the existing free natural resources ", said David ? Tillman University of Minnesota. However, we haven’t t had the relevant knowledge of natural ecosystems. 245 million years ago in the Permian mass extinction, 96% of species perished. Later, with the emergence of many new species, rich species restored on earth finally, but the whole process experienced for a 100 million years. Wilson said: "Some people believe that thenature will revive everything destructed by human ". Proverb goes: "As long as there is enough time, all things can become into being." The nature may really be able to restore everything, but the long process is meaningless for modern humans in any case.

A group of mysterious creatures live in Arctic - the narwhal, this special whale have a very long tooth. But they are endangered by human activities. People used to think the narwhal was the incarnation of the unicorn in legendary. The royal family in some countries even used the whale teeth as a tool for exorcism and detoxification. Their teeth used to make royal mace; meteorologists also used them to study climate change. However, the mysterious partner of the human is now in fate of extinction, and their biggest enemy is human.

From: People’s Daily



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