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        What is the climate refugee?

Climate refugee refers to the people whose survival is threatened by the global warming and other special factors. According to the United Nations Website, Kerim said that climate change leads to frequent natural disasters and disease which force people to leave their homes or even countries. It affects almost every aspect of human activity from the environment, health, safety, migration to the energy, governance and economic development.

        The status of the climate refugees

The U.S. government on June 16 released “global impact of climate change on the United States”. The report said: the average temperature of the United States will rise by 2.2-6.4 degree Celsius by the end of this century. The summer in the south-eastern United States maybe extend to 100 days or more; western will become more arid… It is estimated that the climate change will inundate some small island states and coastal areas which result in 200 million to 1 billion “climate refugees” in the world. And WHO said that 300 thousand people died in the natural disasters caused by the climate change every year. Moreover, the climate change creates a new unjust phenomenon: poor people and communities with less responsibility have undertaken the biggest threat from the climate change. Therefore, the developed countries should have the responsibility and give financial aid and technology to help these “climate refugees” to address the climate change. A number of the international organizations appeal to strengthen the international law to help those “climate refugees”.


Carl Bartlett Islands in Papua New Guinea are surrounded by the sea and are picturesque. However, sea-level rise caused by climate warming forced the residents to leave far away from home. In mid-September 2009, a village near the Ethiopia and Kenya border, all the land was dry and even no drinking water was there. These people are the world's first refugees caused by climate change. Republic of Palau to the United Nations believed that the country will disappear in the earth's territory, which is a security threat for people who have to be relocated. Emigration is likely to exacerbate social tensions and conflict.
Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed released a plan to address global warming: a sovereign fund is established from the state tourism income in order to buy land in other countries, so in times of crisis, it makes people have a safe refuge. India and Australia are considered by Maldives. "New York Times" reported that another Pacific island country - Tuvalu has signed an agreement with New Zealand, the whole national people will gradually "shift" to New Zealand. According to the figures revealed by New Zealand in 2007, more than 5,000 Tuvalu people had home in New Zealand. Over the 20 years, the rising water level and storms is slowly devouring this island with only 2600 people. In the end of last year, Katelite Island suffered another great tide; the islanders had to make a decision of relocation: In April of this year, the first five families moved to Bougainville across the island.

From: 163.com



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