Meteorological Congress
    in Copenhagen
Conference overview
The viewpoints of States
The achievements of
    the conference
The climate crisis
The consciousness
    of low-carbon
The action of low-carbon
Low-carbon Expo
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Project narrative

        The purpose of the congress

The full name of the world climate congress in Copenhagen is the 15th conference of the parties (COP 15) to the “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” and the 5th Meeting of the Parties (MOP 5) to the “Kyoto Protocol”. This conference is also called United Nations Climate Change Conference which is held in the capital city of Denmark between 7 December and 18 December in 2009. From 7 December, the 192 countries of environment ministers and other officials will attend the United Nations Climate Conference in Copenhagen to discuss the follow-up program after the expiry of the first commitment of "Kyoto Protocol" and sign a new agreement of taking a global action on climate change in future,. This is another epoch-marking protocol on global climate after "Kyoto Protocol", and there is no doubt that it has a decisive impact on future trend of the global climate change. The meeting is called "the last chance to save mankind". The meeting is held in the modern Bella center, for two weeks. According to the "Bali road map" adopted in the 13th Meeting of the Parties in Bali, Indonesia in 2007, a new "Copenhagen Protocol" will seek to be adopted in COP 15 which is held in Copenhagen at the end of 2009 to replace the "Kyoto Protocol" Which will be expired in 2012. Taking into account the time for the implementation of the agreement, if the "Copenhagen Protocol" cannot be adopted in COP 15, then there is no common document to restrain greenhouse gas emissions after the expiry of "Kyoto Protocol" commitment in 2012 which will result in great setback of the action to restrain the global warming. Therefore, to a large extend, this conference is considered as an important effort of human beings to take joint action to restrain the global warming. Based on real difficulties, governments, NGOs scholars, the media and the public are very concerned about this World Climate Conference in Copenhagen. The issues of Copenhagen have been the major issues in the international diplomatic occasions in one year. The U.S. president Barack Obama and Chinese Chairman Hu Jintao have stated clearly their stand on this issue for many times. The attitude to climate change between China and U.S. is best concerned by the global medias.


        Conference overview

The full name: Conference of the parties (COP 15) to the “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change”

The agenda: From 7 December to 18 December 2009.

The location: Bella Centre in Copenhagen, a capital city of Denmark.

The participants: More than 85 heads of State and Government.

The focus: The main issue focuses on taking shared responsibility.

The purpose:
To discuss the follow-up program after the expiry of the first commitment of "Kyoto Protocol" and sign a new agreement of taking a global action on climate change in future.

Structure and Member States: 192 countries have ratified the "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" The

Cooperation with the Global Environment Fund, transferring funds to poor countries to support their emissions reduction.

The purpose and the targets: The officials will reach a new agreement on climate change as a follow-up program of the end of the first phase of "Kyoto Protocol"2012. From: 163.com


From: 163.com



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