Meteorological Congress
    in Copenhagen
Conference overview
The viewpoints of States
The achievements of
    the conference
The climate crisis
The consciousness
    of low-carbon
The action of low-carbon
Low-carbon Expo
Our opinions
About us
Project narrative

        The achievements of the conference

Non-binding agreement reached at the Conference: the 15th conference of the parties (COP 15) to the “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” and the 5th Meeting of the Parties (MOP 5) to the “Kyoto Protocol was ended in Danish capital Copenhagen in the afternoon of 19th December 2009. The "Copenhagen Agreement", a non-legally binding agreement was reached.

"Copenhagen Agreement" is the international community to address climate change that has taken a significant step; the agreement at least has the following characteristics:   

Firstly, to maintain the "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" and the "Kyoto Protocol ", establish the principle of "shared but differentiated responsibilities ", adhere to the authority of the "Bali road map ", uphold and maintain the "Dual track" negotiating process of the "Convention" and "Protocol". 

Secondly, under the principle of "shared but differentiated responsibilities ", to the greatest extent, it has incorporated the States to take cooperative action and address the climate change, taken mandatory emission reduction in developed countries and taken independently mitigation actions in developing countries which take a new step.

Thirdly, the developed countries provide financial and technical support to address climate change, which have achieved positive progress.  

Fourthly, in the term of the measurement, report and verification of the mitigation action, it has maintained the rights and interests of developing countries.   

Fifthly, according to the scientific viewpoint of Fourth Assessment Report to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the paper suggests to control the global average temperature rise 2 ℃ the same as before the Industrial Revolution as a long-term operational target.


        The regret of the conference

Climate summit in Copenhagen failed to conclude a legally binding agreement. What left to people is still chaos and confusion. The agreement does not include effective measures to promote countries to reduce emissions, which are a huge concession to industrial pollution.

From: 163.com



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