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Tremella Products

Tremalla History

Tremella Taste

White Fungus Conjee with Lotus Seeds  White fungus braise snow pear  tremella fried meet slice   tremella and lotus seed soup  Tremella date in pawpaw bowl   coconut & white fungus braise old chicken   White Fungus Conjee with medlar 

name:Tremella date in pawpaw bowl

material: 400g tremella, 50pcs date, 150g pawpaw and 120g candy.


1•sink the tremella in hot water for 30 minutes, cut the bottom and pick out the impurity when swell.

2•Peel the pawpaw, and cut it into little part with 0.8cm and wash the date clean ready for use.

3•Put 600ml water into the pot and boil for 1 hour together with the tremella and candy.

4•Put the pawpaw piece and date in for another 10 minutes boiling.

(click the pictures for details)

Tongjiang county shiyan middle school in Sichuan province makes.