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Tremalla History

Tremella Taste

White FungusWhite Fungus Conjee with Lotus Seeds  White fungus braise snow pear  tremella fried meet slice   tremella and lotus seed soup  Tremella date in pawpaw bowl   coconut & white fungus braise old chicken   White Fungus Conjee with medlar 

name: tremella and lotus seed soup

material: 50g dry tremella, 50g lotus seed, 5—6 date, 2 pc of yam and 2 spoon of candy.

1•wash clean the tremella and sink it into the water for 2 hours. Cut the bottom and tear into the small pieces

2•lotus seed, date and yam should be clean and put together with the tremella into the pot

3•put 4—5 bowl of water into the pot and boil for 2 hours till all is mashed. And put the candy in.

    tremella's quality is quite and light, which has moist yin, lung, culivate the stomach, give out the moist, smooth the breath, make the brain and heart strong. It is not only suitable to all woman ,kid and the weak but also has good effect to cultivate the skin for woman, lotus seed is in calm quality with acerbity smell. It has the effect of strong heart, kidney, stop diarrhea and breed, calming effect. The date quality is quite and light. Its vitamin is in most all the fruit. Every 100g fresh date has 8—17 times of vitamin C as that of orange; 50—100 times as that of banana; 50 times as that of apple. It is known as the vitamin ball. It has the effect of breath and blood, make the spleen and stomach and all other organs strong, and also on the weakness and cancer proof. Tremella lotus candy soup has effect of cultivate, which is traditional best thing in moist skin.
(click the pictures for details)

Tongjiang county shiyan middle school in Sichuan province makes.