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Tremella Taste

White Fungus Conjee with Lotus Seeds  White fungus braise snow pear  tremella fried meet slice   tremella and lotus seed soup  Tremella date in pawpaw bowl   coconut & white fungus braise old chicken   White Fungus Conjee with medlar 

Name: White fungus braise snow pear

Material: 2 pcs of big snow pearm, 3G of Tong Zhou white fungus, 3 cups of water, 60g of rock candy.

Modus operandi:
1• Sink the white fungus deeply, take off the pedicel and clean, then put them in the hot water for a while for prepare.

2• take off shell of snow pear, cut it in half and take off nucleus and put in light salt water for prepare.

3• put 3 cups of water inside the braise handleless cup, and put in white fungus, snow pear and rock candy, covered and put the cup inside hot heat water to braise for 1 hour.

1• White fungus also named snow fungus, after sink should take off peidicel which are in yellow part, clean and put in hot water to take off the starnge smell of itself.

2• Snow pear after cut should put inside the light salt water, in order to avoide cotact with air to change color because of oxidation.
(click the pictures for details)

Tongjiang county shiyan middle school in Sichuan province makes.