How to buy kiwi fruit? According to our interviews these days, the merchant gave us some tips, we summed up "Five" tips: first, look at the general appearance, the kiwi in full size, uniform color, close to the yellow skin, generally is a symbol of the relatively long duration of sunshine, most of them are sweet; second, look at the feeling of hands, when we choose the kiwi, pay attention to the skin is complete or not, if there is the sag situation or not; third, look at the color, when we choose the kiwi, the kiwi with brown color is better, at the same time, the hair on the skin is not easy to fall off is well, this type of fruit is sweet generally; third, look at the hardness, generally in the selection of kiwifruit, the hard kiwi is recommended to choose, because the soft is not easy to store; fifth, look at the size, the big kiwi is not recommended to choose, the little one is more sweet than the big one.

If people who are not local are interested in buying kiwifruit, we recommend you to buy on Taobao Shop. Here we introduce some Taobao Shops in Cangxi.

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