Farmers in Cangxi modern agricultural park told us that the breeding technology of kiwi fruit is divided into sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction two species, asexual reproduction is more complex, generally completed by specialized research institutions. Sexual reproduction is mainly through sowing and breeding.
Collecting seeds is the first step, the strong and superior trees without diseases and insect pests should be selected,and the fully ripe fruits should be picked up. Kiwi fruit seed can improve the germination rateby variable temperature processing method, namely in 5 degrees placed 8 hours and in 0 degrees placed 16 hours alternately, it needs to store more than 60 days. Sowing time is generally between March and February. During the nursery time, in order to improve the survival rate, fine management is necessary.
The farmer told us the interviews for the grafting were the most, its main advantage is: first, it can keep the characteristics of excellent varieties, second, it has a higher resistance to disease, third, it grows faster, forth, it can be picked up early, fifth, it is relatively simple, the costs are less. He gave us a live demonstration of the grafting method.

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School Address: No 122, Jiannangandao erduan, Lingjiang Town, Cangxi County, Sichuan Province |