From September to march of the second year, you will see many retail kiwi fruit vendorsin Cangxi Street, they packedkiwifruitsin the gift boxes which were bought from the peasants and sold the to the past passengers. We interviewed several small traders, they told us that this year's kiwi fruit quality was good, the price was generally around 20 yuan per 200 grams. When we asked about the daily sales, they said that every day can be sold at around 500 kg, profit was also good. Later, we walked into the supermarket, where the kiwi was also a lot, they were placed in the refrigerator, it was cutein the light of the background, it made us have the desire to buy.

Here the kiwi fruit is red, priceis more expensive than outside, but its quality is better thanoutside. The supermarket staff said that they can sold 1000 kilograms a day, the profit was also very impressive.

All right reserved by Sichuan Cangxi Vocational high school 2015—2016
School Address: No 122, Jiannangandao erduan, Lingjiang Town, Cangxi County, Sichuan Province |