According to County records, Hanchang, county was built here in the Taikang years of Xijing Dynasty, which was the only way from Jinzhou to Langzhou and it was located between ancient Langzhong and Jianmenguan. Tow famous poets, Dufu and Luyou, wrote the poetry “seeing guests off from Cangxi county” when they visited Qingshanguan many times; Luyou slept over at Qingshanguan, and wrote a poem on the wall. It is said that the Wang Clan has nine children, eight sons became Tien Si (a person who passed all three examinations held by the government) ,and a daughter was called into the palace, which became a favorite topic in local. The graves of family Wang are existed now. And there are also have other attractions, such as Guangjiquan and Gubai.
Qingshanguan is located in Qingshanguan Village,Chanling Township, Cangxi County in Sichuan Province. Away from the county town of about 15 km, Qingshanguan is the relic of ancient county town and ancient post station. A over 90-year-old man living close at Qingshanguan told us, in ancient times the great patriotic poet Luyou wrote tow poems on the wall in Qingshanyi post station.
The old man also told us the story that Wangyue, the only No. 1 scholar in the history of Cangxi ,studied hard in Laixian Cave, and the story that WangJi resigned, returned home to teach the villagers, in his offspring, a lot of moving stories such as eight sons past the exam of Jinshi and a daughter went into the palace and so on. Imperceptibly, autumn sun red the hair of old, old man still told us known celebrities in the history, we also introduced him to everyone. |