" Eight sons became Jinshi among nine sons " story is known to local people, it was said that the younger generation Wang Ji in Southern Song Dynasty had nine children, eight sons are champions in the examination, only one got First-degree Scholar.
Wang Ji, descendant of Wang Xun in the Tang Dynasty . His father, Wang Hao was dead in the youth, he was kept by his mother.
Wang Ji was intelligent and fulfilled the filial piety. He took care of his mother all the day. During Ad 1225 to ad 1227 years, the Uncle Wang Duwen was appointed as officer in Shanxi, and he asked Wangji to go with him, but Wangji was not affected by fame and gain, he refused because of his mother. After his mother died, Wang Ji was very sad. After three years, he prepared to keep his generations as the pursuit of life. Wang Ji set a school in court, in addition to teach his relatives, he also hired teachers to teach them carefully, so that all of them can be well-knowledged.
"Eight sons became Jinshi among nine sons" story inspired generations in Cangxi tobe a witness of Cangxi farming family, descendants of the historical heritage. |