Cangxi Vernacular Dwelling-->Introduction of Cangxi-->History

Cangxi County is history goes back a long way. According to excavation at the Huashan Gou and the bottom of Panlong Hill, ancients lived here about 10000 to 4000 years ago. It belonged to Ba Guo in the Slave society . In Qing and Han Dynasty, it was part of Lang Chuan. It was set up as a county first time in the year of 285 (the sixth year of Emperor Taikang of the West Jin Dynasty) and its name changed to Hanchang in 431 (the eighth year of Emperor Yuanjia of the Southern Song Dynasty).In 598, the eighteenth year of Emperor Yang Jian of the Sui Dynasty, it was named Cangxi again. In 1377, the tenth year of Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty, it merged into Langzhong, however, 3 years later, it was set up as Cangxi County.
In the early year of Republic of China, Cangxi County was part of Baoning Province; in 1950, it belonged to Jiage Special District; in 1953, it was put into the Nanchong Special District; in 1985, Cangxi County was eventually set into Guangyuan City.

Modern-time dwelling

Since the Reform and Open Policy in 1978, the economy of Cangxi had been developing rapidly. The general economic grows exponentially; the standard of living was raised remarkably; GDP, Gross Output of Industry and Agriculture, and Fiscal Revenue have grown 10% yearly over 10 continuous years; and the average net income of farmers increased approximately 10 times. So does the dwelling, which went through the changes from the wooden-made to the brick house and to the later western style building.

New Scenery in the Countryside










Sichuan Province Cangxi Career High Middle School

Address : No.197 jianshe street yuanba Cangxi sichuan Province
Manager-in-charge:Ma  Hongkai