Cangxi Vernacular Dwelling-->Introduction of Cangxi-->Introduction

Cangxi County is located in the deep hills of the north fringe of the Sichuang Basin, locked by Ba Mountain in the east and Jia Gate in the west. It covers Latitude 31°37'N-32°10'N and Longitude 105°43'E-106°28'E. In side Cangxi, the northeast is higher and the southwest is lower; the highest point is the main peak of the Nine Dragon Mountain, which is 1369.2 meters; the lowest point is Jian Xi Kou, the end of Jialing River, 352 meters. The whole landform is consist of hills and valleys. Cangxi county includes 64 towns and 734 villages, and has a population of 780 thousands, among which there is a non-agriculture population of 92 thousands. There are several ethnic groups including Han, Hui, Zhuang, Dai, Zang, Yi, Buyi, etc. and the minority group is 0.3% of the whole population, and the population density is 327 persons per square kilometers. The area is 2330.19 square kilometers. In the east, there are Bazhou District of Bazhong City and Nan jiang County; In the west, it is Jiange County; In the north, there are Yuanba District of Guangyuan City and Wangchang County; in the south, it is Langzhong city. Also National Highway 212 goes through Cangxi County and connects to Bacheng and Nanda Railway.

position of Cangxi

The mother river of Cangxi --The Jialing river

The view of Cangxi










Sichuan Province Cangxi Career High Middle School

Address : No.197 jianshe street yuanba Cangxi sichuan Province
Manager-in-charge:Ma  Hongkai