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Daily interview records(I)        Daily interview records(II)

Time: 2007-10-5


Place: peach museum park administration


Interviewee: the keeper


Registrar:Liu Jie, Song Yue,Han Ting,Pu Guilin


Q:can you pls let me know the contact info of the peach purchasing?  
A:company name: Sichuan province longshanxinlong agriculture product supply and marketing department
Tel: 86 0839 5852092
FAX: 86 0839 5852092
Office address: longshanchang, cangxi county guangyuan city Sichuan province
Postal: 628425

Q: why we should wrap the peach at its first stage, any advantage to this?
A: the wrapped fruit can effectively protect the disease, minimizing the pesticide pollution, delaying the fruit spot growing. The fruit can be beautiful and longtime store, the fruit rate for the business and high level is in long time. Pesticide before the black star in peach. Combining the other way for disease. When the branch fall off 90%, we can spray the 40% oxygenation in 1000 times combining the 20% powder in 1500 times. The one weeks before the wrapping , It should be sprayed again. If it is rain, we spray the second to the unwrap tree.

Q: what’s the points for the peach regulation in fall?
A: 1) strengthening the cure against the disease. We pay more attention to the black star, spot, peach bug, peach cootie, bugs and other acarus. Owing to the fall season, the insect are fluent in damage the peach. We should strengthen the medicine. We can make it 20 days as the cycle to make sure that we can control the insect.
2) mowing in medium. Decrease the nutrition to the grass and water consumption.
3) the regulation to the water and fertilizer. After picking, we should use the fertilizer fastly to push the tree recover. We use the carbamide or compounded fertilizer 0.5 jin –1 jin according to the tree.
4) holding the leaves and saving the nutrition to the tree. When we cure the insect to the peach tree, we should also use the fertilizer to keep the leaf green and enhancing ability to produce the light. We can also put into the phosphor 0.2% + carbamide 0.2%.



Q: what is the effect of the cangxi snow peach?
A: snow peach, belongs to the rosebush category, the fruit of plant white peach, sand peach and fall peach, it is also renamed as kuaiguo, guozong, mifu, yuru. It is sweet and little sour. Its in cold line. Has good effect on the lung, stomach. It can produce the saliva and moist. It mainly used for the yellow phlegm, heat disease and dry defecate and over drink. But the rarefaction or white saliva are not suitable.

Q: what is your plan to the second stage project of peach museum park?
A: in 2007-4-17, zoujin, the chairman and the director of committee people committee office in the Chinese cangxi , peach culture museum park. He knows the development of peach museum park. And direct the future direction of the second term project and organism.

Zoujin required us that: we should make the peach museum park in high standard, strengthen the knowledge and make it clear the development direction. We should hold the direction and pay more attention to the peach culture, water tour, northern Sichuan folk, we are willing to build the peach park into Chinese first class peach culture park and the cangxi knowledge window, making it as the village site point from the northern Sichuan province ring and jiangling river golden tour waterway. The change from the farmland to the tour sight we can know the peach park. We should change the traditional agriculture plant park into the point. On the regulation we should change the area district mainly on the transformation, on business we should change from the normal enjoyment to comprehensive area. At the same time, we should hold closely the chance that cangxi are at the Sichuan province tour northern ring and jailing river golden waterway ecological culture tour district are listed in the top five tour route. We take the peach park to push the building the city and village “five golden flower” including the red army memorial park, the tree park, tracing park for the normal people, the jiangnan peach flower park. We take the village tour as the chance to push the cangxi economy.
©This website is made by Miss Liu Yan, Students Liu Jie, Song Yue, Han Ting, and Pu Guilin in Cangxi Experimental High Schoolin Sichuan Province