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The working team
Name: Lei Qu Hua
Occupation: Teacher (Chemistry)
Responsibility: manuscript review
Name: Zhang Chaohai
Occupation: Teacher (Language)
Responsibility: Data search, interviews, organize, record editing, web authoring
Name: Yang Shan Shan
Occupation: Students(Junior High School Second Year)
Responsibility: Data search, interviews, organize, record editing, script writing
Name: Zhang Rui
Occupation: Students(Junior High School Third Year )
Responsibility: Data search, interviews, organize, record editing, script writing
Name: Yuan li
Occupation: Students(Junior High School Second Year)
Responsibility: Data search, interviews, organize, record editing, script writing
Name: Zhang longyu
Occupation: Students(Junior High School First Year)
Responsibility: Data search, interviews, organize, record editing, script writing
HuaCong Middle School, BaZhong City, SiChuan Province, P.R. China    Tel:0827-5481011