The spirit of Damu Mountain
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The spirit of Damu Mountain

    Standing on the large wooden mountain and enjoy the mist shrouded mountains, clouds are steamed. Hearing the birds chirp, , whom contend applause. In the pines and cypresses, the length of 200 meters, the high number of feet of steep cliff appears front dash of rock walls to life dozens of pieces of Cliff Tang, Ming and Qing dynasties of the Cave, Deng Kui hole, water Blind holes and other historical monuments restored by modern people seems vicissitudes of life and heavily.

    In particular, distributed in more than 200 stone walls blend of thousands of pieces of calligraphic art of calligraphy became the cliff Cliff's wonderful attractions. In this huge stone walls engraved with the Emperor, not only, Kangxi, the Empress Dowager Cixi, Wang, Flirting, and others famous paintings, also engraved with the great man Sun Yat-sen and Mao Zedong's famous calligraphy, look at these or running script, cursive, or Seal script, official script of the Cliff calligraphy, we have set our sights on being busy concentrating on the Yuan Jiaxiang engraved calligraphy.

HuaCong Middle School, BaZhong City, SiChuan Province, P.R. China    Tel:0827-5481011