About the origin of the wine, there are many different ideas. Some thinks that it comes from the ancient Egypt or ancient Greek or ciete. But according to the details of the file, it is confirmed that our ancestors brewing the wine 10000 years, and then the wine culture comes to today.
According to the historic files, the skill for growing and brewing should be the tourist and new territory occupier from asiaminon to Egypt, before coming to greek and its islands, it arrives to ciete of greek, through the xixili island at italy, lybia and italy, puluowangsi area at var at the Med southeastern part of France at sea and coastal Spain. At the same time, it come to middle European countries through Danube.
No matter what is the idea, our ancestors at the mentioned places live and labor, occasionally find the grape in the nature can brewing the original drink, which is called wine. When the human find and use the fire, they come into the age of fishing, livestock, feeding and agriculture. In this long time, all the seed and grape tree is spread to the world and living and developing and contribution.
Grape and wine history is same as the human culture development. The human and wine are obviously same. Basilade described like this: what is the wine? Wine is the living organ, who has rich and balance spirit, floating and calm, connecting the sky and earth. Comparing with other plant, the grape can connect with the sky and earth. And the wine has the proper weight. Because the grape can always remember the sun, so do the wine, even though in the cellar. Just because of it, the surprising skill comes out the brewing. Basically, the grape gain the sulfur from the sun, moon and star, which makes it living and continuing. So the wine has the all the best from the nature. “ in our country, garpe, anciently named as putao in different shape, so the wine has the name of putaojiu. In addition, in ancient Chinese, putao is also named as wine. With the history of grape, lishizhen writes in detailed outline: grape, in <hanshu> writes putao, using for wine, the drunk so it gets drunk. “ pu” is the gathering eating. “tao” is the get drunk. According to lishizhen, putao is for everyone drunk for the fruit. So the “pu” and “tao” is for garpe.
According to the statistics, our country at Han Dynasty(206 B.C.) has the record for production the grape and wine. In famouse< shiji> by simaqian, the wine firstly come out. In 138 BC, zhangqian, the diplomatic, come to western area under the order of Han wu emperor, seeing” all people take the grape as wine, the rich one have over 10000 bottles, which cannot get rotten after years. People like wine, and horses like muxu. And then the king start grow the muxu and grape, until the horse and people get more, all the palace and temple are full of grape.< shiji dawanliezhuan> 63rd. Dawan is one country at the ancient western area, locating at the feerganna basin in middle asia, which fully show that in our Western Han Dynasty since the ancient time, it is the main place for wine. <tulufan books>( the modern one is filed by the book buried) includes the planting, business, rent and trading of the grape and wine in the this area during the 4th century to 8th century BC. From this files, we can see that in this period the wine producti
on scale is large.
The wine provide a brand new drink for all human being, and provide the happy spring for their life and development. As to the origin of wine, it is on longer important, it was left to the historians for digging and researching. For the modern people, it is a beautiful enjoyment for drinking grape, especially the precious grape, and making the big wealth for the human being.