Visit to the grape farmland >The scene

   There are 2000 hectare grape land, 3 miles grapes corridor, 46 kinds of grape with the precious grape and superior kind. The visitors can pick to enjoy the pleasure and know all knowledge, feeling the company culture. With all the corridor both side of peach, apricot, peach and plum tree bossom and fruiting, we may feel pleasure for its grape red color and beautiful shape.


    The grape museum corridor has in 3 miles in whole length, with the early, middle, late mature more than 40 kinds, 20000 grape trees, combining the sightseeing, research and teaching, which is the biggest and biggest for northwestern area.  

    Yuquan lake: the lake has 300 mu water, which is developed based on the original marsh with the average depth 1.7m. There are many kinds of fish and birds, planting the lotus nearly hundred mu, which is the best leisure place for boats, lotus, willow, leisure.


   Yuquan island: it is 36 mu. When developing the yuquan lake, it is through the human labor with the water around. It can be the best training place for food, accommodation, leisure, meeting and business. When entering into the yuquan islands, you may feel the endless beauty. Tasting the paradise, we can see the beautiful place.