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In history, Wengyu was the only mountain road for people to pass to the Shangluo of Shaanxi and Northern Hubei. The officers leaving for their assignment and the merchants being in business would come in or go out from here. This road was renovated by Huayin County leaders of all dynasties. According to history books, in the reign of the Jiajing Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the Huayin County leader, Wang Shiyong led the local people to repair this road several times and so there are relative records carved in the mountain walls. On one of the mountain wall from east, the inscription says that Pang Ziqing and others repaired mountain roads in the reign of the Congzhen Emperor of the the Ming Dynasty. After Hualuo Road was built in the 1950s, this mountain road lapsed into disuse. But it still a road for the tourists exploration. As a ancient major transit ways, lots of tales about landscapes spread and widely known.


Wengyu Valley Channel has a lots of attractions along the way, that includes Wolongling, Longquan, Guyuquan, Tuoerwo, Zoucheya, Qishengkan,Fochagou, Xiqiuxia,Gongmushan,Heshangmao and SaiHuashan, the villagers call them as “Wengyu Eight Views”, and each has a different history. Most of cultural landscapes in Wengyu are temples, such as Laoye Temple at the entrance, Tudi Temple, Longwang Temple and Waguan Temple were ruined during the Cultural Revolution. In 2009, the Zhenwu Temple rebuilt by the villagers has become new tourist scenes in the Wengyu.


© The project team of “Wengyu ancient road” of Luoshan Middle School, Huayin City, Shaanxi Province. All Rights Reserved
QQ:10015091 Email:10015091@qq.com