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1、What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

Hardware: Computer, camera, DV, Scanner, SD Card, Card Reader, U disk.
        Software: MEITU XIUXIU, Photoshop7.0, Word, Macromedia Dreamweaver

 2、In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person?

We vigorously publicize the culture of the Wengyu by means of practice and investigation, that we explored every facet of history, geography and culture, paid visit the local villagers and village officer. We shared the results with school teacher ands students. The important thing is that we hope people know the ancient road’s history, know hometown’s culture to awaken people's passion towards loving hometown.

 3、What has been the impact of your project on your community?  

Without our exploration, our classmates and hometown have little know about ancient road at the foot of mountains and hometown historical culture. We shared the results of our research with those around us, let them know about hometown’s tourism resources, the important position of ancient road, and let people know better that is the charm of home.


 4、How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers? 

We got our materials by visiting and interviews. The announcer of Forestry and Livestock Bureau, and Mrs. Zhang provided a lot of information to us, particularly including old pictures about ancient road. The local people told us many stories when they accepted our interviews. The school leaders, teachers and students actively cooperate with us, provide the venue, to arrange time to share our results. In the whole process of research activities, thank the teacher gave us a lot of careful guidance and help.


 5、Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises?

Several times, teacher brought us to go on field trip during collecting information that developing our investigative skills and exploration of learning, made us to try or learn something new. We learned that it wasn't easy to make deep study of project. We have heard Wengyu ancient road, but never got to find the story behind it. This time, there was a opportunity for us to explore and excavate the culture of ancient road, we can not help that: we learned really helpful!
      By visiting, we found that a lot of local people did not care about their hometown’s culture. We hope that every people including the local people know about Wengyu by our efforts, let more people love their hometown and do something for hometown。

© The project team of “Wengyu ancient road” of Luoshan Middle School, Huayin City, Shaanxi Province. All Rights Reserved
QQ:10015091 Email:10015091@qq.com