The Grottoes of Ba Zhong
Tracing the history of Ba Zhong, we call the Grottoes “ Ba Zhong Grottoes” which is same as the old times. Most of the Grottoess are shallow, only a few of them could considered as Grottoess. Ba Zhong Grottoes has a wide distribution and a rich content, which makes itself been highly appraised in Sichuan. According to “Ba Zhong Xian Zhi”, there are 59 grottoes existed in Ba Zhong city, over 500 Grottoess and over 8000 statues. Most of them were built at the time of Tang and Song Dynasty, include 19 grottoes and over 450 Grottoess and 7000 statues.
Ba Zhong Grottoes is very famous. It started to build at the time of Liang and Wei Dynasty, continuing it’s decorating at Sui Dynasty and reach it’s glorious time at Tang Dynasty. People keep on building and decorating the Grottoess. Nowadays there are 88 Grottoess and over 10 thousand statues being existed. The Grottoess of Nan Kan, Xi Kan , Shui Ning Si and Bei Kan have been considered the best protected and exquisiteness. |

The Gate of Nan Kan Grottoes |

The Nan Kan Grottoes |
Ba Zhong Grottoes is famous for it’s carving and decorating. The workers built a lot of Grottoess like a room and decorated with the images of plants, animals, gods and Buddha. Meanwhile they painted with the colors of green, red, white, pink, blue and scarlet, which made the Grottoes exquisite and full of power and grandeur.
The exquisive grottoes is a human cultural sight with rich content inside, no wonder it is considered as a great fortune in Chinese Grottoes arts.
The Grottoes art is endsville human sight, being highly appraised among Sichuan Grottoess. At 1956, it has been officially affirmed as a historical relic which need to be protected. Moreover, on 1988.1.13, the Grottoes have been officially affirmed as the focal point of government’s protection.。 |
HuaCong Middle School, BaZhong City, SiChuan Province, P.R. China
E-mail:bzhczx@126.com Tel:0827-5481011 |