Our team members Profile of our work
Studying Hard In the Earliest Ten Years Cub Maker of Black Pottery Starting to make achievements Great fame at home and abroad

Studying Hard In the Earliest Ten Years

   When Shang Tianming was an apprentice in the factory, he has learned a lot there. His teacher not only taught him how to make works of black pottery but also taught him how to behave. When we interview him, he tells us that the making of works of black pottery is the same as behaving as a person. We should make plan beforehand, and try our best to do it. As long as we have tried, we can get what we want. All of us are deeply convinced by him. The black pottery is not only a kind of art, but also a kind of thinking.
   When he was working in the factory, he was not good at his work. However, he did not give up and had the confidence of himself and gradually his technology has been improved. In a period of time, the factory was going bankcrupt. It was just his works of black pottery that saved his factory from the trouble. An enterprise wanted to invest money to his factory. The leader of his factory wanted to train some young talents and send them to learn the technology in Xi’an, of whom Mr. Shang Tianming was the first to learn.

   During that period in Xi’an, Shang Tianming worked so hard that sometimes he forgetted to have dinners. After his learning, he went back to his factory and has been awarded for six times.

