Our Action
>>>Visit>>> /Teacher Huwanlong
In order to ascertain an antelope sichuan river the causes of the pollution caused by, a lot
of attention and we visited an antelope sichuan river villagers, hope through their words and
deeds to realize that the real reason, listen to their advice and Suggestions to find a kind of
management good way of sichuan river wild, let more people consciously to the protection and
management of operation mother.
>>>>>Interview HanYucheng >>>
HanYucheng,Live in Yellowsheepriver town near a age 97 years old, because living in the
edge Yellowsheepriver nearly a century experience, let the old man witnessed Yellowsheepriver
promote decline, today we flew please to Han is something we care about topics consulted the
old man...
>>>>>Interview WuYufang>>>>
Living in the village of ShiMenShan WuyuFang, is now 85, because also live in an antelope
Yellowsheep river, his wife LiuYuTang, because in 1974, in a big water saved by the waters rushed
down two children and highly people respect, at the same time they carried out a family of five,
protect the green river, and love to the township government recognition...>>>
>>>Interview Rivervoir Administrator>>
As a reservoir administrator, hydrological observatory director for an antelope sichuan river,
the river every year he most speak authority... >>>
>>>Our Action -Planting-Picking up trash>>>
Understand a lot of pollution reality, and we also visited many villagers looked a lot of
governance rivers material, we finally found the management Pollution countermeasures and
start doing, with our practical action to protect the mother river... >>>
Yellowsheepriver international conference center is a high-tech company, in Yellowsheepriver
this national built a five-star hotel counties, where every day there are greatly small conference
will have around the world, then the personages of various circles to how can they do it to protect
the environment...... >>>
>>>Propaganda and initiative>>>
Tango, in order to control pollution, protect our mother river and everyone together action!