Jianmen Pass History with Three Kingdoms's Culture
Built Jian Men pass and Jian Ge County is related with 3 kindoms. As ‘universal story' reconditioned: Zhu Ge liang as the prime minister of Shu country, chiseled stones to built the orad, in order to pass, then built Jian Men pass here. ‘Area story' reconditioned: Liang – prime minister of Shu to built 30 miles road, then arrange army to protect there. When Liu Bei decided Cheng Du as the capital, he established Jian Ge County on Jian An 22nd year ( 217 A .D.), belong to Jian Men pass, in order to strengthen protection for Jian Ge. Besides linked 1000 miles to be a unite from Han Zhong to Cheng Du. Guaranteed the road safety from Cheng Du to Zi Tong, pass Jian Ge to Jia Meng, Bai Shui to Yang An pass of Mian county in Shaanxi, in the interest of to make a condition for Zhu Ge Liang went to Qi Shan and Jiang Bo Yue went to mid part to crusade against.
According to related recordation, before Liu Bei became the emperor, he had passed Jian Men pass 4 times, plus 6 times in chapter 65 of “3 kindoms historical novel”, mentioned when Liu Bei on his way to against Liu Jin, then came back to Jia Meng pass to watch the closely fight between Zhang Fei and Ma Chao. When Zhu Ge Liang went out of Qi mountain to against Wei country, he passed many times of Jian Men pass, after he reported to the emperor, when he “lead on army to mid. part of China ”, he was passed Jian Men pass. I n chapter 65 of “3 kindoms historical novel” mentioned when he on the way to against Liu Zhang and back to Jia Meng, used stratagem to captives Ma Chao, chapter 27 mentioned Liu Bei and him had lead |
100 thoudsands soldiers to mid part of China and passed Jian Men many timed during stayed on Jia Meng.
Jiang Wei had closely fought with general Deng Ai and Zhu Ge Xu of Wei country in Jian Men pass, and stayed there 3 month. “3 countrie's historical nove” mentioned many times about Jian Ge. Chapter 101 ” Zhu Ge Liang plays as god out of Long mountain, Zhang He was cheat by the stratagem to Jian Ge” mentioned very detailed and wonderful: Feb. of 9 years in Jian Xing….. Suddenly reported Sun Li had lead 200 thoudsands soldiers to help to raid the Jian Ge…….. Suddenly a singnal, millions arrows toxophily, to killed Zhang He and his army inside the road of wood gate…… now when people go through, still recalled prime minister's intelligent.” Chapter 102 “Si Ma Yi fight at North Yuan Wei bridge, Zhu Ge lIang create wood ox and horse”: “Feb. of 13 year in Jian Xing….. one day, prime Yang Yi came to report:” Now the grains are all in Jian Ge, not easy to transport, how to do?” Zhu Ge Liang answered smiley: I had noticed this long time ago. We have scrape up some wood and bought some big woods from Xi Chuan, now ask workers to make wood ox and horse to transport grains, it would be easy.”…… Order general Gang Xiang lead 1000 soldiers took wood ox and horses from Jian Ge to Qi Shan base, to transport the grains for the army……. Use wood horses in as difficulties road as Jian Men pass, and ride wood ox in bumpiness canyon.”
Chapter 116 “ Zhong Hui sperated army on Han Zhong road, Zhu Ge Liang appears to settled army”: When Jiang Wei took his army pass the bridge, when they just on the way, an army came to is general Zhang Yi and Liao Hua…….. Liao Hua said: now we are against all sides, the grains road was interdiction; we'd better back to Jian Ge to find a better way. Jiang Wei is thinking that can't decide. Suddently reported Zhong Hui and Deng Ai had lead more than 10 lines of enemy come. Jiang Wei would sperated the army with 2 generals to against. Liao Hua said:” Bai Shui contains many bypathes, not a good place to against; we'd better back to Jian Ge to protect. If Jian Ge lost, then it's deadline for us.” Jiang Wei listened to him and lead the army to Jian Ge. When close to the pass, suddenly heard the drum and shouted with flags everywhere, an army had already kept the gate of the pass. It's: Dangers in Han Zhong just passed, Jian Ge's affairs happen again”.
Chapter 117 “Deng Shi Zai stowaway Yin Ping, Zhu Ge Zhan lie in the dust in Mian Zhu”: Zhong Hui had settled his army in about 25 miles to Jian Ge, Zhu Ge Xu come to take the responsibility of the offence….. Ai noted the army's discipline is in order, and feel worried, and provocate: General you had just got mid part of China , it's a big luck for the government, now can make decision to take Jian Ge asap”… Ai answered:' from my oppion, can order one army get out of De yang booth of Han Zhong, and get to Cheng Du directly, when it happened Jiang Wei must take back his army to protect, general can take Jian Ge easily, that can make full success.”… Then put scaling ladders to attack Jian Men pass.
Chapter 118 “an emperor cry inside ancestral hall for fealty, two people dispute the contribution to get in Xi Chuan”: “ Jiang Wei noted people thought about Han dynasty, that consoled:” don't be worried, I have a stratagem, can re-cerate Han dynasty”, all generals asked for. Jiang Wei had spoken lowly with his stratagem. It's to insert all surrender flag everywhere in Jian Men pass……”
From chapter 116 to 118 of the book, they all talk about war in Jian Ge.
Now in Jian Ge still many relics, like Gu Guan building, Wu Hou bridge, Wu Hou hill, insert flag stone, point general's stage, Ying Pan Zui, Old Zhong Hui base, Jiang Wei's statuary, Zhang Fei cypress, Guan Dao trees, E Dou cypress, Zhang Fei well, relic of plank road built along a cliff, Kong Ming book cavity, Kong Ming crabstick, Guan Dao river, Guan Dao stone, Deng Ai's grave, Jiang Wei's grave, Jiang Wei's ancestral temple, Zhang Wang temple, Yin Tai mountain, balefire stage, manger etc.. Folklore about the stories of “3 kindoms” is more and more, almost every relic has its lifelikeness story. Like Zhang Fei had beat up a well, and Zhu Ge Liang had hide his tactics books on bluff of Jian Men pass etc.
Jian Men pass can't divide with 3 kindoms, not only the war and those generals, even related with people's normal life. Genesis of Jian Men's Tou Fu and develop are related with “3 countrie's” culture, people said that when Jiang Wei stayed in Jian Men pass, had feed the soldiers Tou Fu every day and tofukasu to feed the horse to make soldiers and horses strong, then defeated Deng Ai's army.
Jian Men's Bean Curd Festival
Every May 1 -4 in gold week, Jian Ge County will held “China~Jian Men pass Tou Fu culture and tour festival”, to let the tourists taste the famours Jian Men's Tou Fu when appreciate the scenery of Jian Men.
“Jian Men's Bean Curd”, means the special Bean Curd made in Jian Men Shu Dao scenery area. People said that it was start from “3 kindoms”, Jiang Wei has defeated by Zhong Hui and Deng Ai from Wei country, then back to Jian Men pass. At that time Jiang Wei's army were very tired, soldiers and the horses couldn't work, seems in very dangers situation. An official came to Jiang Wei and presented a stratagem: closed the pass 3 days, ask all families make Bean Curd to feed the soldiers, tofukasu to feed the horses, when they re-cover to fight again. This stratagem was workable, to made the soldiers and horses recover quick. 3 days later, Jiang Wei lead 5000 soldiers fight out of the pass to defeat Zhong Hui, made Wei's soldiers settle done their base back to a few miles, to solve the dangers of Jian Men.
During the festival, will make wood ox and horse show, indigenous method to make out Bean Curd and cook match for Bean Curd.
1st Tou Fu festival in Sept. 28 on 2003, had hold a ceremony to opened a “Tou Fu' s king” box which is about 3.3 ton. 10 strong men had opened the 20 boards of the Tou Fu's box while full of sounds of drums and gongs. Suddenly a bright, white “King of Tou Fu” which is the biggest in the world has appeared in front of people. “King of Tou Fu” is 2.2 meters length, 1.2 meters width, 0.9 meters height, about 3300 kgs. Then 6 “soldiers” had break the “King of Tou Fu”, 20 girls come to pick the Tou Fu to cook. Made by 100 people, and viewed by 1000 people, taste by 10000 people's Tou Fu's food start. According to introduction, “king of Tou Fu” used 39 hours for making. Ms. Wu Xiaohong who is deputy mgr. of Chinese declare Ginnes's worlds records said, “king of Tou Fu” in Jian Men pass is the biggest and heaviest Tou Fu till now, he will report to the head office asap, to make sure the records. |
King of Bean Curd in 3.3 ton |