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Gowing Environment

Interviewing with the grower

Tremella Grower Investigating

















The subject: the trmella current situation report
The object: tongjiang county peiyang town villager engaging in planting the tremella
The date: 2007-10-01 place: chenhe town wuluxi village
The researching content:

1 •  how much tremella did you plant this year? ( total 20 people involving in this report)
50 bottles(bags) accounting for 40%
100bottles (bag) accounting for 35%
150bottles (bag) accounting for 20%
150bottles (bag) tremella 5%
Note: one bottle of tremella is 0.5—0.8 jin( same as 500 grams), with 100 yuan for each jin. The whole bottle can sell in 50-80 yuan.

2 •  how many people are there engaging in planting the tremella in the village?
All people engaging in the test are planting the tremella.
It is reported that the tremella has become the main product of this village, and all the family or household are working on growing the tremella, which constitutes the ”tremella village”

3 •  2007 tremella's output is better than that of last year?
20eople are engaging in reporting, with 10 “yes” for 50% of total and 10”no” for 50% of total.

4 •  Are you satisfied with the price this year?
25 people are engaging in reporting, with 20 “yes” for 80% of total and 5”no” for 20% of total

5 •  as the grower, what do you think about the small quantity of tongjiang tremella in the supermarket at all bit city?
8% of total thinks that the low effect of government publicity
92% of total think that the tongjiang tremella is all nature and is too rare to compare with the large-scale growth.

6 •  How shall we solve the problem of low output of tongjiang tremella?
40% of total think that they need the stronger support from county government and village committee.
60% of total think that the proceeding factory should be built up and the purchase should be unified to complete the low competition of individual.

7 •  Did you still plan to grow the trmella? How much did you plan?
Most of them think that:
1 •  The government should play its leading role to expand the popularity of tongjiang tremella to let more and more people know the tongjiang trmella.
2 •  The investment environment should be improved to attract the fund by building new factory and expanding the growth area fo trmella to let it go outside.
If above all can be practiced at same time, the condition can be better.

Tongjiang county shiyan middle school in Sichuan province makes.