Embroidery Introduction
Study Embroidery
Beautiful Embroidery Appreciatio

Study Embroidery

  Grandma Li pointed to the embroidery works, and said while she was presenting it out: “the coiled embroidery is quite difficult to finish because its embroidery cloth is different from the others. Firstly stick the cotton fabric into one piece which then to be pressed evenly, followed by designing patterns and colors-matching, of which the latter should be harmonious such as from the light color to the dark one or vice versa."
  The stitching method for coiled embroidery is to prepare two threads of the same color, one for coiling and the other for sewing, coil while knitting in plain and sew while knitting in purl, one stitch goes with two threads. Sitting around Grandma Lee, we enjoyed her presentation and did have a good lesson.