Member introduction
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Thank you

  We do deeply appreciate all the people who ever brought us help and hope, the ones have been familiar, the first faces ever seen and many anonymous friends far away. This activity will not be so wonderful without all of your participation and contribution.

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Give us help
Li Faxiu Embroidery representative successors Warmly accepted our interview, showed her exquisite beyond compare works, give us a detailed introduction.
Li zhihua、Lu qing Town and talent of science and Technology (China) Co., Ltd. We study some good advice, but also give us a lot of technical support.
Yi qixian Datong County Shishan Town Zhongxin School Principal Yi President of School of thematic research work has given strong support and care.
Zhang guizhen Datong County Shishan Town Zhongxin School Teacher Help us to collate information, collect and write a topic in the study of text.
Guo shengyan Huzhu County Linchuan Middle School Teacher Guo teacher in our project introduces the" hero" -- Li Faxiu. And provided valuable information.