Time: 2006-10-5 ,15:00-17:00
Interviewing at: the administration office of Qinghai Lake
Interviewee: administrative staff
Recorded by: Cao Yuan-zhang
Q:What makes Qinghai Lake so charming?
A:inghai Lake is the largest endorheic lake
and salt-water lake in China. It is selected as the most beautiful lake
in China by Chinese National Geography Press and 34 other media agencies.
It’s fascinating in its vast expanse of misty and wavy blue water. Over
the centuries, its splendid scenery and rich aquatic resources have attracted
millions of tourists and numerous valiant pioneers who admire it for its
vastness, splendor and mysteriousness, landing it as a sparkling diamond
set in the Qinghai Plateau.
Q:How does Qinghai Lake form?
A:It’s believed that it was formed in 210,000
to 350,000 years ago. In far ancient, it was part of Mediterranean Sea.
In the 3rd century, Alps Movement made Qinghai-Tibet Plateau rise. A large
amount of sea fell down and formulated Qinghai Lake. At the beginning,
the lake was connected with sea. The water ran from Qunai River to Huang
River, and finally entered sea.
Q:What does Qinghai Lake look like in different
A:Qinghai Lake is on the northeast of Qinghai-Tibet
Plateau. The lake is surrounded by four lofty mountains, with Datong Mountain
on its north, Riyue Mountain on its east, Qinghainan Mountain on the south
and Xiangpi Mountain on the west. The altitude of these four mountains
is from 3600km to 5000km. These four mountains like four barriers carrying
Qinghai Lake in their arms. From the root of mountain to the Lake, there
is vast and flat grassland. The green and wavy lake is similar to a grand
jade lying between mountains and grassland. The shape of Qinghai Lake
is like an ellipse, with 109km length from west to east and 65km width
from north to south. It’s said that the lake seems to be a giant aspen
leave floating on the grassland. The scenery of the lake is quite different
in different seasons. In summer and autumn, trees grow flourish on mountains
and grassland, which seems to be a thick carpet with colorful flowers
as decoration. At the side of the lake, hordes of cows and horses drink
water and eat grass. Large scale of farm lies beside the lake. The golden
corn field likes wave when wind blows. In winter, the leaves begin to
fall from trees. In Nov, the lake begins to freeze. At that time, the
lake is like a mirror shining in the sunshine.
Q:What scenic spots are there?
A:Qinghai Lake is both a scenic spot with
a mysterious coloring and a treasure house that scientists all over the
world are interested in. With an average depth of 20m, the lake water
contains sodium, potassium, magnesium as well as scores of salts, which
are important materials for chemical, electronic, optic and pharmaceutical
industries. The lake also abounds in fish. Qinghai Lake scaleless carp
is a special product here. Local people say in midsummer fish like to
swim on the water surface, and passersby can catch fish from the lake
quite easily. While boating on the lake, you can feel this is quite true.
For shoal after shoal of fish swam past your boat, so many sparkling reddish
fish that it seems you have just to extend your arm and a fish is already
in your hand .
Q:The brief introduction of Qinghai Lake
A:Located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Qinghai
Lake has a acreage of 4538 sq.km and perimeter of 360km, which is more
than two time of the famous Tai Lake. The average depth of Qinghai Lake
is about 16m, with the deepest point to 28m. The poundage reaches 71.9
billion stere. The altitude of Lake Surface is 3195m, which approximates
to two height of Mount Tai. The weather is very cool here due to the high
altitude. Even in midsummer, the average temperature is just 15 degree
centigrade. It’s a perfect resort for passing the summer in a leisurely
Time: 2006-10-6, 10:00-12:00
Interviewing at: the administration office of Bird Island
Interviewee: administrative staff
Recorded by: Cao Yuan-zhang
Q:The brief introduction of Bird Islands?
A:Bird Islands on Qinghai Lake is one of
the eight birds reserve in China, and also the important bird inhabitant
area in Asia. It was authorized as the national nature reserve in Aug,
1975 and national beauty spot in 1994. The Avian Islands consist of two
different islands- one on the east, the other on the west. These two islands
are both on the northwest of Qinghai Lake-the estuary of Buha River.
Q:What’s the weak link in tourism of Birds
A:Firstly, the traffic condition is not good
because the roads here are one way traffic. Secondly, there is not a formal
parking lot. This year many travelers came here by self-driving, and too
many cars resulted in traffic jam. Thirdly, the capacity of tourist reception
is limited. Fourthly, there is only one toilet here, which is far less
beyond the requirement of national scenic area.
Q:How to protect the scaleless carp?
A:As Qinghai Lake is on plateau, its environment
is affected by efflorescence, deforestation and swamp shrinking. All these
reasons lead to the declination of scaleless carp production amount. Every
year, the migrant birds eat nearly one thousand tons of it. Another point
is that in 1960s, the grassland around Qinghai Lake was changed into farms.
People build dams to prevent one hundred and eight rivers running into
the lake, which blocked the way of scaleless carp copulate and reproduce.
The total amount of reduces from 320,000 tons at the foundation of China
to 7,000 tons now. Nowadays, over fishing is still a serious problem.
We do a lot of work in propaganda. In 2005, we held the first “Fish Appreciation
Festival”, which highlight people’s conception of protecting environment
remarkably. We plan to hold this activity in Jun and Jul in 2007. We believe
that we will do a better job. What’s more, we make educational propaganda
in “Fish Protecting Week” and “Fish Protecting Month”. In Jul, 2006, we
intercepted the river to save the rare species- scaleless carp. In recent
years, our government orders to forbid fishing on Qinghai Lake and protect
the natural environment.
Q:When the amount of scaleless carp is largest?

A:Every late March, when the ice covering
of Qinghai Lake begins to melt and the temperature rises to 5-6 , shoals
of scaleless carp move upstream to the rivers that empty into the lake,
struggling against the current, they run after each other to reproduce
by ovulation and insemination. Such activities reach their climax in May
and June. Near the mouth of the Buha River, sometimes thousands of carps
can be seen striving upstream toward the river, churn the water turbulently
,each one fearing to lag behind, while crossing the shallows, the dorsal
and caudal fins of many of them protrude above the surface, as if a thousand
sailboats are vying in a race.
Q:How to deal with garbage?
A:Our government invested a lot in sewage
treatment plant and garbage transfer station. The garbage can’t be thrown
into the river or lake, because there is no outlet of Qinghai Lake.
Q:Does the water level of lake increase?
A:Yes, in recent years, our government enforces
protection of Qinghai Lake and the amount of rainfall is larger than before,
which results in the water level increasing.