Great fame at home and abroad As more and more works of black pottery have been sold, the high techniques of Mr. Shang have gained more and more recognition. In 1995, his works won the award of science and technology on the exhibition in Lanzhou. And Lanzhou TV station also interviews him. Since then, he has become famous at home and abroad. He attaches great importance to the artistic taste of his works, as well as the materials and techniques. The fine red clay is made into the works after several complicated procedures. His black pots are as black as the paint and as clear as the mirror, which make people feel sober and tranquil. All of the people can feel his tenacity to his work. When he achieves success, he will not become arrogant and will not be satisfied. I think he is really a noble person and he deserves the successes. Let us wish him a brighter future in his career. |
Email:cdef1981@163.com |