In July 1955, he once was appointed as the tri-group member leading the automic career. In April 1956, he served as the director of state council aviation industrial committee. In November 56, he served as the vice-primer of state council, in charge of science-tech work. in 1958, he served as the director of national defense, science and tech committee and national tech committee. In 1959, he served as the china central military committee vice- chairman regulating the top weapon researching work. Leading the national defense science and tech work, he sticked to the self- help, secured the foreign-aid and used the capitalistic achievements. He also carried on the china central intellectual and arranged the science-tech activiation and creativity. In 1956, joining the regulating <1956—1967 scientific staff development and planning outline>, he organized to draft” researching item of scientific plan to national defense”. This helped to clarify the purpose for arm equipment. At the same time, he actively arranged the organization, arranged the group, enlarged the national defense scientific power. In 1960, he built the research house of missile, atomic bomb, plane, ship and military electronic facility, and then builded up all edge and regular weapon test basis, and necessary scientific institutions.
In early 1960s, we met severe problems due to all the experts retreating and stopping all the technic support. He reported twice for Ma Zedong, at 3rd July 1960 and 20th Aug 1961, encouraging to continue research the missile and atomatic bomb on the basis of only relying on ourselves. With the support of mao Zedong and zhou enlai, he adopted the highlighted points and arranged the queue. He organized the whole country cooperation, pursued the new material, electronic parts, measurements, machines and large scale equipments. Furthermore, he adjusted intellect policy. Just in 5 years, we were successful to study the missiles and automatic, and then the h-bomb, laying the basis for the long distance missiles, manmade earth satellite and nuclear-submarine. At the same time the normal arm and civilian item also got famous achievements.
At the great cultural revolution, he was against the libiao and jiangqing anti-revolution group. In summer 1969, with the support of Mao Zedong, zhou enlai and the leadership of chenyi, he deeply studied the situation both home and abroad with yejianying and xuxiangqian. He provided the strategic advise and suggested a new start. After the 3rd meeting of 11th session, he joined the people liberation national defense modernization and sticked to the people war strategic policy. He realized the arm, improved the system and strengthened the politics with big contribution. |