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2015.09.17----09.17 Team up, decide the topic We ended up with a group of 1 teacher and 4 students. The topic of project was defined as “Wengyu ancient road”
2015.09.21----10.25 Register on line Teacher had signed our name on line
2015.09.26----10.10 Searching information, getting digital camera and DV ready We used teacher’s digital camera to take photos
2015.10.12----10.14 Settled on interviewee Contacted interviewees and asked for permission to interview them.
2015.10.15----10.20 Visit to nearby village to interview and take photos Some members were responsible for media, interviewed town government leaders and geography teacher, the others took photo
2015.10.21----10.30 Organize information obtained from interview Group work on individual jobs
2015.11.02----11.06 Go to each class to publicize the culture of Wengyu ancient road We went to each class to introduce Wengyu ancient road
2015.11.09----11.20 Web page making With the help of teacher, every group transformed images and information into website pages at two-day weekends and after class.

© The project team of “Wengyu ancient road” of Luoshan Middle School, Huayin City, Shaanxi Province. All Rights Reserved
QQ:10015091 Email:10015091@qq.com