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From Huangyakou to Xiechakou, in the southeast of Baigoukou, there is a mountain likes Huashan.according to Folk legend, SaiHuashan and Huashan are twins of the king. Huashan is the eld brother, it was named Taihuashan; Saihuashan was the little brother, so it was named Yangshan. One day, Taishanglaojun saw two mountains in the cloud when he went to take part in peach party, he thought it must be a holy place. So he asked Qingfeng to protect Huashan, Mingyue protected Yangshan, After painstaking religious alchemy, they return to heaven to ordain the job of the fair when the mountain grew into shape. Taishanglaojun secretly observed that the fire was extinguished on the top of Yangshan, Mingyue took use of his magic to make the mountain grow crazy, it was even higher than Huashan. The fire on the top of Huashan was exuberant,Qingfeng was reading books carefully, Huashan grew slowly. Taishanglaojun was very angry,so he trampled Yangshan with his foot severely. So Yangshan was also named Saihuashan.


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