Days of life under Qilian mountain
YU zi
Qilian Mountain is high, covered by snow on the
mountain. In summer, melting snow will infiltrate
into underground and pool into a river, flowing down
hi llsides
and forming a piedmont oasis that become area with
well-developed agricultural and animal husbandry and
population concentrated. For example, cities like
Wuwei, Zhangye, are important place between east and
west since ancient time.
This is the text content of the fourth lesson in
Volume 3 <Gansu province >in geography textbook from
national institute for compilation and translation
eight years ago. Today is 10th, October 2008, the 57th
day since I came back to Taiwan. When I pick up my
former middle school geography textbook, turn to the
lesson of Gansu Province and read this text content,
the feeling in my heart is mixed. The content that
used to annoy me a lot know is the only thing,
except the pictures, that can take my mind back to
Xidatan 2 month ago. When read the Qilian mountain,
it called up my mind in that day, I asked them:“do
you know which mountain do you live in?”, the
innocence faces looked at me and answered my
together with 3 words:“qi-lian-shan”.
Expectation again shown on their faces, as if they
were listening
to a idol’s speech attentively. More important, they
believe a person on the platform is elder and their
idol, and they all will give their enthusiastic and
response. “the mountain is covered by snow, in
summer, melting snow will infiltrate into
underground and pool into a river, flowing down
hillsides and forming a piedmont oasis that become
area with well-developed agricultural and animal
husbandry and population concentrated.” The sentence
covers the majority scenery we saw in xidatan. I
also remembered the day of watermelon
contest, teachers and us ate watermelons fiercely.
The moment we wash and play by the streamside, the
moment we stand on the stone in the stream crossing
finger…the Xidatan village we lived for a week in
fact is the beautiful oasis described in the text
I miss everyone in 901 so much. To be honest I have
to say that I hate junior high school students, they
always make me think they are a group of naughty
kids in mutinous period. However, the students in
xidatan middle school subverted these stereotypes
thoroughly. They are so pure
like a white paper with no stain, respect for
teachers, courtesy and obey discipline, bashful and
shy. They got up just over 5 o’clock every morning,
after running for N circles around the school
playground and do gym together, it was the beginning
of morning reading as well as morning study time.
The first class begins on 8:20 until the class over
at noon, and then they had their lunch. After lunch,
they had no lunch break you will see that outside
the classroom, on the playground, in the campus,
students hold a book worn out badly, one and
another. They keep reciting and reciting repeatedly,
may just for a quiz or for the preparation of next
class. Seeing their attitude to learning, there is
no doubt that people can understand why students in
Taiwan has no competitive strengthen. It is because
we live so comfortable, because we are frog in a
well (a person with a very limited outlook) who
always think after reading a little books we are
fearfulness enough to fly up to the sky. Our living
environment decided our attitude towards doing
Each time when I across the playground from
classroom faraway and entered into the brick-stacked
toilet to answer to call of nature, I cannot image
how the students here can be such comfortable.
Later, when I began to adapt to local life
gradually, I finally realize how fool I was. It is
not they felt comfortable, it is not because they
want to have no any light at night and no any street
lamp, most of all they may only able to use a
flashlight of yang chun brand to go to the toilet in
the cold wind. It is not their will to walk on the
muddy dirt without blacktop and cement in rainy days
to the toilet, shake and careful. These children had
no other choice. The irony of four words is quite
powerless and helpless, at the same time, it also
the reason that why people in Eden willing to leave
their position in city, trip over land and water,
carry a heavy mountain package and overcome problems
all the way to service here.
The total teaching period here is 5 days. I have 2
English class everyday and also include the joint
history classes and the co-chaired instructor class
with other partners. Living in the temperate
grassland (alpine) climate where the daily range of
temperature is so large, also with the large amount
of class capacity, I have a cold in the third day.
Catching a cold in the mountain is not a pleasant
thing. My throat is quite painful, thanks to
Guangzhong who took the place of my English class,
here I want to express my special thank to him.
Thank to Zhaowei gave me his life-saving use’s cold
medicine to me at last with Zhicheng’s panadol,
gradually I almost got well until the day I had
sauna in Shenzhen. Ha-ha.
Before teaching students here, I had no any
experience in teaching in Taiwan (at most only as a
tutor). However, the children in Xidatan gave me
incomparable self-confidence and sufficient
enthusiastic to impart knowledge to them when
standing on the stage. Each of them all had
incomparable desire as if having classes is the holy
things to them. Recalling our previous life in
class, snacking and drinking, sending short
messages, looking into the mirror, throwing notes,
how shame and ignorance we were when thinking about
it now.
Still remember the Taiwan culture tour class, our
four partners decided to ask students to play chain
game of Taiwan songs. The whole class was divided
into six group, the more Taiwan songs they can
remember the better they are. Each group must can
sing for 1 or 2 sentence of a song and then another
group. No repeat is allowed the group can’t go on
will be washed out. At first, we thought this game
can only play for 10 minutes, but it did not work
out like this. They responded enthusiastically, no
matter from huimei Zhang, yilin Cai, xinling Wang,
jay Zhou to the less popular Champion band. The game
lasted for a class and what left the most impression
on me was that chaoyang Zhang’s group can’t go on at
first. At that moment they were going to wash out,
they started to sing the song “kapok road”, they
song I’d ever heard before but not very impressed. I
do not know why but they sung into my heart. I fell
in love with that loud and dynamic song- kapok road,
how much I hope I can remember their songs for my
lifetime. That kind of moving in heart cannot be
expressed in words.
I still remember the group time one day, the captain
asked us 3 to 4 the most expected things to
participate in this team or the things most unable
to overcome. When Yien answer the most expected
thing, her answer was: “can have lifetime friends in
our team.” At that time, I thought how can we make
lifetime friends in only a few days. Junior high
school classmate may not be able to become lifetime
friends, much less the 2 weeks’ team. Until the team
really over and got back to Taiwan, after setting
down slowly, I finally understand the meaning of the
We got together from all parts of Taiwan to a common
destination. Sharing hardship together and hurrying
to catch a train carrying our maintaining bags.
Staying together for 36 hours on train from morning
till evening. Shopping in Tianzhu urban, eating
potato, beef noodle. Taking photos before the
station broad in Wushoaling. Eating Ci ba, drinking
tea with milk and Huang river ginger beer, teaching
together and standing in line to wait for uncle
Wang’s pepper eggplant noodle. Washing dishes with
cold water and even talking while at stool. Looking
up praise the starry like fairy-tale. Teaching
together and eating noodles on street at leisure
time. Buying nutrition express, Lulu, Mengniu milk.
Playing by the stream and eating freshly slaughtered
sheep on Snow Mountain on a crowded truck. Saying
hello to the white yak and singing drolma song.
Shopping in the night market in Lan Zhou and eating
kebabs that six Jiao per bunch for more than 20
bunches also having European massage. All in all,
these firmly united us each other and become the
most beautiful memory like Shangri-la.
If asked
me to talk about the worthiest things in the
journey, I will answer, it is the last class in the
last day but one. The students said their feelings
to our four guidance teachers. I still remembered
there were seven or eight groups. Zhicheng suddenly
came out with a idea that was to discuss whether
they had something to tell us. At first, we thought
may be only three or four students will raise their
hand to tell about their feelings. We didn’t expect
that they quickly separated into groups and
discussed intensely. We started to listen from the
first group to the last one, and felt astonished
when listened to them. We didn’t think of that the
group of students from the poor area in Wuwei city
in Gansu can speak quite well like this. They said:
“teacher, thank you for coming to teach us here,
though we just stay together for several days, we
will remember you forever and hope you also not
forget us…” “Teacher, you work so hard … thank you
for your accompany in the five days, you taught us
knowledge and we gain a lot from you. We like you no
matter whether we can stay for a long time or not,
en, oh, only we only belonged to each other. I hope
you will not forget us when backing to Taiwan and
write letters to us…” “Teacher, thank you for you’d
like to come here from far Taiwan to teach us, the
several days’ contact will be the most beautiful
memories in our life. I hope you will miss us when
backing to Taiwan…” the last group consisted of four
girls. “Teacher, thank you for the happiness you
bring to us in the several days, and also thank you
to teach us hard. But people have sorrow and joy,
they part and meet again; the moon dims or shines,
it waxes or wanes. You will leave tomorrow, we will
miss you and hope you not forget us…” at last, we
thought they finished, but they jumped up in a
second and shown a 90-degree bend to us, said
together: “thank you, teachers.” Without other
words, Xiaohong and I began to cry. Zhi heng and Qi
de are boys; they went to hug with boys for afraid
of crying which will lose their faces.
Ah, how kind and considerate the students are, how
thanksgiving they are. Why the chances they have is
disproportionate less than we are? I can only sigh:
the world is unfair. Seeing this, I think even
stone-hearted person will be moved to cry (except my
writing style is so poor, ha). Therefore, there is
no doubt why more and more foreign volunteer team
want to participate in the activity, because we all
want to do good things…ha.
Jiaxin once said sentences that make sense: “at last
you will find that what you gain from the children
is much more than you gave to them.” Her words were
quite delicate and interesting; we who participated
in the Foreign Service team should keep a service
heart to advance. We gave them knowledge, gave them
stimulation of different culture, and gave them a
different worldview. However, think it in turn, we
who grew up in the small Taiwan island, the group of
children in the vast mountain also taught us to have
a wider vision and mind. Sometimes we used to
preoccupy with the trivialities, but in their world
those are negligible or even have no doubt or
problems to these.
We finished our Taiwan-Xidatan journey, but if
without smart and sensitive Jiaxin to play the
leading role, without considerate gentle music soul
Brother Chui and Sister Yang yang with who we all
felt ease and always deal with problems happened,
our team 45 would not be have a smooth trip. I think
behind a greatest thing always need the members of
the group to join forces to complete. Thanks God let
us to make lifelong friends in our team, though one
or two times’ help cannot help children in Xidatan
more, only two or three children change their life
attitude and thoughts because of us, then our work
was worth. I hope children in Xidatan can live
happily with dignity. Maybe they need not to away
from the mountains, to be a self-responsible person
in society in the future is enough. |