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Our teams

Title: The puzzle to Animals diplomacy

Category: Local ?culture


  Our team was named "The giant panda peace envoy," consisted of three students and two coaching teachers, respectively namely Luo Zixuan, 12 years old from class 4, grade 7, Zhu Wenjun, 12 years old from class 1, grade 7 and Ma Chengyu, at the same age from class 1, grade 7, as well as teachers Wu Xinghua and Luo Feng. Teacher Mr. Luo Feng was responsible for guiding us on collecting and sorting out materials, while teacher Mr. Wu Xinghua was in charge of coaching us on website making and all the technical issues. This was our first time joint in Net Fair contest.
  Our team was set up on September 11, and then we confirmed the project topic, built out the website outline, made responsibility divisions and conducted interviews and field investigations. After two-month works, we completed the website on November 15.


School Web Site: http://www.nsjkzx.net/alltemp/tempdiy/index.php?isinner=0









Website copyrights:Ningshan Jiangkou Middle School   Telefacsimile:09156941163
