他,一个年近七旬的老共产党员,一个初中毕业生, 在基层工作了几十年......

     He, an old communist party member nearly 60 ages, a junior high school graduate who have worked in the basic unit for decades...

     He,all heart for the people, serves for the people, dedicated to the people's interests without retaking......

    他,为了家乡的旅游事业(大木山),奉献了自己的 大半辈子......

   He,for the sake of tourism at home to spend his dedication......
     他,一位看似名不见经传的人,在家乡党政部门中 心工作几十年,受到各届领导同志们的称赞和百姓的信任.....

    He,looks like a little-known man, but he has been praised by leading comrades and gains people’s trust for his decades of work in hometown.....

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