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The history of Cangxi snow pear

Cangxi, located at the north edge of Sichuan basin, south of Daba Mountain, strand of Jia Ling River. It has a long history is faraway, profound culture and honest, simple folkway. Cultivation of Snow pear has a history of 400 years, Cangxi Snow pear, also named Shijia pear is famous excellent kind in sand pear kinds in China. In 1989, it is judged as national excellent fruit, and in 2000 it passes "green food" attestation. It acquires "excellent agricultural product" certificate on China Western Agriculture Exposition in 2002. Cangxi snow pear is very famous. During Guangxu ages, Cangxi snow pear is regarded as tributes by court. In 1950s, Chairman Mao said: “it is so good, that we should develop it further…” I see countless snow pear orchards this time. The smiling snow pears in the tree make us coveting.

Cangxi Snow pear, at first is produced in Jiulong Mountain, Cangxi County, and has a history of more than 1200 years. It is famous for is "snow like flesh". Family name of the person discovers it is “Shi”,so it is also named

Shijia pear.Cangxi Snow pear once was praised by Party and Leader Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, and received the personal instruction from vice president of State Department Wen Jiabao, Province secretariats Li Jingquan, Yang Rudai, Zhou Yongkang, Province president Yang Wanxuan, Zhang Zhongwei, etc. After reform and revolution, snow pear gets rapid development. 150, 000 Mu area was planted with snow pear in the whole town. Planting snow pear has become the support industry in agricultural economy. In 1988, Cangxi was named as “China Snow Pear Town” by China special product committee.

©This website is made by Miss Liu Yan, Students Liu Jie, Song Yue, Han Ting, and Pu Guilin in Cangxi Experimental High Schoolin Sichuan Province